Our History
Very rough draft, gathering more data, If you have any additions , please—-e mail: fccarrollton@att.net
~~~~~~~~History of the First Christian of Carrollton
According to one historian, the Disciples of Christ in Carrollton began quite by accident. J. W. Sandusky was riding his horse in the northern part of Carroll County. It was a narrow trail he was riding on when he noticed something. He stopped and picked up a pamphlet. It was the Millennial Harbinger, a monthly periodical published by Alexander Campbell in Bethany, Virginia. J. W. read it carefully and compared the views expressed therein with his Bible. J. W. was so impressed with the views in the M H that he wanted to find similar people that shared the same view. He was directed to a man by the name of Jacob Warriner of Ray County.
- W. made a pilgrimage to Jacob’s house, by horseback, some 40 miles away. J. W. was baptized upon a single confession of faith in Jesus Christ. Brother Sandusky made another visit, and by some accounts it was an extended visit. He was introduced to Elder Thomas Gaines. He became an ardent friend and supporter of Elder Gaines.
Elder Gaines was marked with sincerity and masterful eloquence that made him an outstanding evangelist for that time. Brother Sandusky asked Elder Gaines to visit him and to preach to his good neighbors. The invitation was accepted.
Reverend Gaines also started the Richmond Christian Church. On April 26, 1840, with a membership of 45, their church was started in the court house in Richmond. The Richmond Christians sometimes meet in schoolhouses and 1846 built a frame building. Thomas P. Haley preached there as in Carrollton also.
A meeting was planned, organized, and took place in the first Court House of Carroll County. The Court House was a log structure. December 21, 1845 was the first meeting. They met in the Grand Jury room with 25 people present. Fourteen were received by confession and baptism, and ten by statement. Earnest and sincere in their beliefs; anxious to have a permanent church home, and convinced of their right to band together, Elder Gaines, banded this group of disciples together as a Church of Christ. The following confessed and were baptized: Miss Satira (Statire?) Freeman, Miss M. A. Freeman, Miss Anna Maria (Marianna?) Freeman, Mrs. Mary Lampkin, Mrs. J. E. Bugg, Mrs. Rachel Shaw, Miss Delilah Brundidge, W. P. Shaw, James Brown, William Hill, Mrs. S. B. Hill, Mrs. M. A. Tull, J. I. Sandusky, and Barton Arnold. The following former members were received by statement: Mrs. Eliza Tull, Jefferson Wilcoxson, P. B. Darr, Mrs. Helen H. Darr, W. Z. Darr, John Brundidge, Benjamin Maggard, J. Maggard, Mrs. Elizabeth Maggard and John Maggard.
The new church selected P. B. Dar, James Sandusky and Jefferson Wilcoxson as its first deacons and officers. Mr. Wilcoxson acted as clerk, in addition to his other duties. Later, in 1852, P. B. Darr and J. A. Pritchard were selected as the first Elders. The first trustees were John W. Clinkscales, Dr. Littleton Tull, William Standley, and R. G. Martin.
In forming this new congregation, the following Covenant was adopted: “The undersigned having first having given themselves to the Lord now do give themselves to one another that they may by union of effort and the help of God, establish in this part of the country, and perpetuate the religion of our Lord Jesus Christ, being governed in all matters of faith by and discipline of His word –consequently praying His aid and sustained with much confidence in the great cause of human redemption and hoping, by faithful continuance in well doing to obtain glory, honor and mortality of immortal life.”
The new church, now firmly launched, worshiped in the courthouse until about 1848 when, uniting with the Methodist and Baptist congregations, a meeting house was built on the west side of the square on a plot of ground given by William Hill, and known as the Baptist Church. The little group, who had chosen to be known simply as Christians, had the use of the church home one-fourth of the time.
Brother Gaines preached for them until 1852, when George Flint, of Gallatin, became the minister for a short time.
In November 1853 Thomas Haley held a brief meeting and made such a favorable impression that we called him to shepherd our little flock. During his four years of ministry he added some 200 members and he left our church one of the strongest in the state.
The new Christian Church was erected in 1858, at a point on North Folger Street immediately north of the site of the present post office. The church home, when built and furnished, cost about $5,000.00, no small sum for those days, and the happy members, aided by constant additions to their congregation, carried on their religious development and well-being, under the able leadership of inspired and inspiring ministers.
In May, 1861 there was a windstorm that completely destroyed the church. There were no insurance companies selling wind-storm insurance at that time, the loss was complete. Salvaging the wreckage enabled the members to pay the debts of the church amounting to about $500. The congregation returned to the Old Union House and worshipped there. They were unable to re-build immediately.
The second church house was constructed of brick and was erected in 1867 on the foundation of the first one. The cost of this one was about $6000, and was in plan and architecture much the same as the first house. An additional $1000 was due to the increase cost of material. Dr. L. Tull, John Royce, J. W. Clinkscales, and Robert Hubbell were on the building committee.
A much larger church was needed. On July 20, 1890 serious talk about building a new church started. The next church was built on the land that we occupy today (2009). It was the former Goodson lot, and was purchased for $2,700. John Wilcoxson, R. B. Hudson Sr., J. R. Clinkscales, Dr. Tull purchased the lot and re-sold it to the church for the same price. The object of this was to secure the location while they could. There was a house on the new property that was acquired. J. Wilcoxson was requested to dispose of the house on the new church lot; he was given unlimited power as to price etc. The old church house was sold to R. G. Martin Sr., who operated it as a community building until it was torn down several years later; price received was $1,700. On Oct. 16, 1890 Brother Wilcoxson sold the house on the new lot for $20. and the water pipe for $1.50. The building committee consisted of: Chairperson, R. B. Hudson Sr., Sec., J. R. Clinkscales, Treas., Joseph W. Hill, M. W. Jarbow, John I. Wilcoxson, and Robert T. Hubbell. Dr. L. Tull sat in on most of the meetings. Representatives were sent to Illinois, Hannibal and St. Louis to view a few churches for architecture. Brother Jarbow was sent to Kansas City to get the price of stock bricks. They decided to pattern the new church after the one located in northeast Missouri. The foundation for the church was laid in 1891, completed and dedicated Nov. 6, 1892 at a total cost of $22,090.05. The dedication was started on Sunday morning, Nov. 6 th 1892, with a sermon given by our elder T. P. Haley, who was minister of this church from 1854 to 1857. He recounted their history to the present time. The afternoon sermon was given by elder H. A. Northcutt. In the evening pastors of some other churches spoke congratulatory words. Rev. R.A. Austin, Rev. Ely, Rev. Warren, Rev. Armstrong, Rev. Lytle and Rev. West gave congratulations and wishes for continued blessings and spiritual triumphs. The music was at all times inspiring.
Miss Edith Parker was a Living Link Missionary from January 1, 1919 until her death in Osaka, Japan. Miss Parker was in charge of the Department of Home Economics in the Margaret K. Long School for Girls in Tokyo. She was one of the best known and most efficient missionaries in Japan.
The next event occurred on Wednesday, March 11, 1927 when the basement was dedicated. The growing activities and increased membership demanded more room and better arrangements. The ladies of the Aid Society started the project in 1926 and ended the project in 1927. T hey were able to throw open a new dining hall, with a well equipped kitchen, numerous closets and cupboards, and accommodations for several Sunday School classes. There was also an assembly room for young people’s meetings, entertainments, and prayer meetings. On Wednesday evening people started bringing food in around 5. The meal started with a program of readings and musical numbers given by the young people of the church, then the meal. The Dorothy Hudson class donated $25. for improvements, while the Willie A. Thomas class donated enough silver ware to serve 150 people. Other Sunday Classes donated various gifts. The Dr. J. M. Smith class donated a service of glasses. All joined in a toast to the energetic loyal devotion of the membership of the church in the future. A few weeks later the annual Mission Dinner was held in the new basement with an attendance of over 300. The Mission Dinner was started many years ago and was an annual event. The funds collected are used in missionary, benevolence and educational work.
The first week of September, 1952, they started publishing “The Christian Call”. It was started to keep the members informed of important happenings in the life of the church. Their hope was that the paper would not be carelessly read and tossed aside but kept as a reminder of the events in the church which require their participation. It was published weekly Sept. through May.
Feb. 1953: S. S. enrollment was 367, attendance 188.
Feb. 1953: Baptism for 3 young men: Bobby Joe Adcock, Lloyd Warren, and Benson Riley. Mrs. Charles Adcock transferred to here.
March 1953: Board to give financial backing to a nursery.
April 5, 1953: Confession of Faith: Elizabeth Eubanks, Jerry Blasingame, Dixie and Beverly McKown, Lois McCumber,Lawrence McCumber, and Sandy Sillin. Transferred in, Dorothy Eubanks.
Sept. 1953: The congregation voted to change the church year to begin with July 1 instead of November 1.Oct. 1953: C M F deliver pledge envelope boxes along with the church Year Book to all members.
Oct. 1953: Rally Day observed and attendance pins given. Rally Day, object was to boost attendance. Attendance for church was 247 and the goal was 250. Telephone calls were made in order to boost attendance. Perfect attendance pins were given when a person attended 50 Sundays of Sunday School. Pledge cards are given out, along with envelopes for giving, with the goal of underwriting the budget.
Oct. 1953: $1.00 was deducted from each pledge card for publication of The Call.
Nov. 1953: Mrs. Francis Sams gave the sermon from here they will serve in Orissa, India.
Dec. 1953: Membership, Eddie Heins, Jr. baptized.
Dec. 1953: The Andrew Club evangelized twice a week.Dec.1953: Members of the Homebuilders class made 10 robes for the Youth Chorus, bringing the total number of the robes to 32, all of which are used.
Dec. 1953: Membership, Confessions of faith by: Don, Mary, & Darla Williams, W. H. Kinker and daughter, Norma Jean, Shirley Martin, Mary Williams, Shirley Sebastian, Caroline Shull, Donna Jo Little, Buddy and Paul Lyon. Transferred in: Mr. and Mrs. Gail Hare, Mrs. Julia McGainness, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Sebastian, and Mrs. Don Little
Dec. 1953: Membership Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lyon and son Buddy make confessions of faith.
Dec. 1953. The average Sunday School attendance for Dec. was 206, a slight drop from Nov.
Jan. 1954. The C. M. F. gave a dinner with the new members of the church as guests of honor.
Jan. 1954: The average Sunday School attendance for Jan. was 201
.Feb. 17, 1954: The annual George Washington Dinner was held. The Homebuilders Class sponsored the dinner. Serving began at 5:00, tickets were $1.50. The menu included turkey with all the trimmings and cherry pie. Profit from the dinner was used by the class for church-improvement projects. Music was provided by Virgil Bunge at the piano, Jane Ann Warren with an accordion, Donna Bunge played the electric organ and Doris Fredde played the piano. Nearly 500 attended the event. The event netted $307.41. Over the last four years $1204.66 was netted.
April, 1954: The largest class was the Homebuilders with 58 persons. The class was divided into six sections with each section working to increase its own attendance. The plan resulted in a remarkable increase in their class attendance and the members were enjoying it.
April, 1954: The Andrew Club made three nights of evangelistic calling. They went 2 X 2.
April, 1954: Sacrificial Luncheon. The CWF had foods from biblical times and the conversation was about bible times or bible customs, after which communion was taken.
April, 1954: Palm Sunday, Membership. Mr. & Mrs. George Brotherton, Mr. & Mrs. Sterling Baier, Mack, James, Jane Duderstadt, Mr. & Mrs. Buford Gardner, Mrs. John Griffin, Mrs. Gayle griffin, Dwight, Karen Griffin, John Harbert, Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Hazlett, Harold Lightfoot, John Stan Metz, J. L. Newman, Carl O’Dell Mrs. Ogle O’Dell, Shirley Snider, Eleanor Standley, Kenneth Standley, Dewey Standley, Freddie Statham, Marilyn Ward, Mrs. Mayme Darr Craig.
April, 1954: Board recommended purchasing a Reuter Pipe Organ. Cost is $9,796.00
April, 1954: Membership. Mrs. Gilbert Wallace, Mr. & Mrs. Tommie Walden, Mrs. Alice Brooks, Miss DeLores Greer, L. P. griffin, Clayton Bridges, Mrs. Olive McKown.
April, 1954: 356 attended Sunday School for Easter. 52 total in choirs. Offering totaled $198.93April, 1954. Membership: Wiley Patton transferred in from Bosworth Baptist.
May 1954: Jimmie Evans took pictures of both choirs, the Board, C Y F, the congregation assembled in the sanctuary: prices, 5 X 7= 75 cents; 8X 10= $1.50
May 1954: Membership, Mrs. Harold Boelsen transferred in, Eads Graham will be baptized.
May, 1954: Homebuilders Class attendance contest came to an end. Two month average was 64 ½.
Sept. 1954: Nursery attendant was hired by the church. Mrs. Earl George was the hired person.
Sept. 1954: Rally Day: Sunday School attendance was 274.
Oct. 1954: Membership, transferred in from Maysville Christian in Marysville, Mo., Mr. & Mrs. Jack McDonald.
Oct. 1954: The Church budget was $22,593.29.
Dec. 1954: Membership: Phillip Ewell, Mrs. L. E. Adcock, Charles Ferguson, Carolyn Cockayne, Tommy Hughes.
Jan. 1955: Membership: Virgil Renzelman transferred in.
Jan. 1955 The Board voted to carpet sanctuary the cost will be $2,300.00
Jan. 1955: After about sixty years of service a new organ was dedicated January 16, 1955. The new organ had a total of 12 ranks, 774 pipes and some anonymous donor gave a set of Deagon Chimes. The new one is a Reuter pipe organ made of light colored oak and of Gothic design.
Late Jan. 1955: Natural oak pews for the choir were installed.
Jan. 30, 1955: Membership: Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Snider transferred in.
Feb.2, 1955: Mrs. Charles Woodlan, organist of the church for almost fifty years, had a fatal heart attack at the church just before choir practice began. Before leaving for the church, she had told Mr. Woodlan she did not feel very well, and he had suggested she remain home, but she did not want to disappoint the choir. She died shortly after reaching church.
Feb. 6, 1955: Membership: Mr. & Mrs. Harold Denney.
Feb. 17, 1955: George Washington dinner was hosted by the Homebuilders class. Around 500 people were served, with $631.11 reported. Funds will be used for the new pews.
March, 1955: The Homebuilders Class had an attendance contest. The Blues & the Reds.March, 1955: A church attendance project was started. Each class rotates sitting in a group in church.
April 3, 1955: Membership, Jimmie Stewart, Linda Finley, Shirley L. Davenport, Bonnie Kay Shryock, Laverna Davenport, John Miller Kinker, Martha Kinker, Mary Jane Kinder, Peggy Sue Stewart, Danny Davis, Sudduth Cummings. Transfer of membership: Mr. & Mrs. Jack Eiserer, Mrs. Pamela Cunnings and Clarence Cummings.
April, 1955: Membership: Transferred in Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Berrey, Mr. & Mrs. Lee Barrows. Easter service 1955 saw an attendance of around 400. Sunday School saw of 295
April. 24, 1955, Membership: Mrs. Nadine Marshall transferred in.
May 1, 1955: Membership: R. H. Clickscales transferred in from Ashland, Kansas.
May 1, 1955 an Organ Concert was given. Franklin Mitchell, designer of the organ gave the concert. Mr. Mitchell was a widely known concert organist.
May 13, 1955: Pot Luck Supper for new members ,since July 1, 1954, planned. Thirty Seven was the number.
May 8, 1955: Membership, Larry Kerr, Ed Pierson, Larry and Paul Edward; by transfer: Maurice Harbert.
May 14, 1955: Fourteen children dedicated.
Oct. 9, 1955, Membership, William Harl Worth.
Nov. 27 to Dec.2, 1955: A week of Preaching Mission by Mr. Clayton Potter.
Dec. 1955: Anonymous donner: grand piano manufactured by George Steck was given. Finished in ebony . They stated the piano was in tone with the new organ.
Feb. 5, 1956: Membership, Erwin Lee Casner, Hugh and Mrs. Cannon, Martha Miller Wayne, Miller, Richard Miller, Keith Cannon, Owen Weaver, Karen Weaver, Duane Griffin, Gayel & Mrs. Griffin, Bryant McNiece, L. D. & Mrs. McNiece. Transferred in: Mrs. Ervin Lee Casner.
Feb. 16, 1956: ticket sales for the Washington dinner was $650.75, breaking the previous year.
March, 1956: A campaign was started to get every member in church. Only a few front pews were vacant, the sanctuary being almost full. Miss Verna Leech was chairperson of membership. Each ward in Carrollton had a ward chairman and one for the rural areas. “Everybody Every Sunday”
March 11, 1956: Membership, Mr. & Mrs. Forest Nolte transferred in.
March 11, 1956: Sunday School attendance was 230.
March 25, 1956: Membership, Mrs. Earl Hughes and daughters, Josephine Hughes and Madelaine Hughes, Mr Paul McNiece and daughter, Marla, Harold Martin Schmidt, and Becky Bridges.
April, 1956: Easter saw 318 attendance at Sunday School.
April, 13, 1956: Rear section of church needs new shingles, at a cost of $2,558.99
April 1956. The Church was growing and classrooms need to be enlarged. It was time for a larger building. They had so many people that a class was meeting in the kitchen and sanctuary for Sunday School. The dining room and kitchen facilities were downstairs. A lot of people could not go up and down the stairs. They also hosted an annual George Washington dinner, which served a lot of people. “We should think of our church being as convenient and comfortable as we like our homes to be”, was the opinion of many. Mrs. Benningfield gives the following: “There should be a crib room, toddler’s room, and kindergarten room, whereas we are in one room with an enrollment of 45. Here are great needs for an educational building and time to do something about them.”
A bus was under-written by one of the members (1956, May). The bus held 24 adults. Children of the Junior Department of the Vacation Church School were the first ones to use the bus. They were transported to Kansas City to visit a Jewish synagogue. Their study was the Old Testament and that visit helped them understand the Jewish religion.
May 27, 1956: Membership, Mrs. Leslie Hudson transferred in.
Day of Decision, Nov. 1956. Forty nine persons were added to the membership. They now had 525 on the membership roll.
December 1956: two persons donated a new Steck Piano for the Fellowship Room.
Easter 1957, April 21: the largest crowd at a worship service, 450 to 500 were present. 330 attended Sunday School. They were doing a lot in those days to bring people to Christ. Rally Days, C Y F, Chi Rho, Family Sunday, George Washington Dinner, Sunday School Goals, Presentation of Babies, White Elephant Sales, Children’s Day Program, Loyalty Month ( every member or prospective member is visited). Food sales, Junior Choir, Adult Choir, attendance contests, chili suppers, Youth Weeks, Promotion Sunday, Hayrides, Father and Son Banquets, Mother and Daughter Banquets, Send-off Dinners when families move, nine Fellowship Dinners a year (with a movie), “Pins” for perfect Sunday School attendance, etc. Many people were coming to Christ!
April 28, 1957, Youth conference was held in Sedalia. They took the Church Bus.Bus expense was 50 cents and registration and supper was 75 cents.
May 4, 1957-CWF had a rummage in the Court House basement.
May 5, 1957. Donald Lucas came forward to make the confession of faith and will be baptized May 12 at 3 p. m.
Mid-May 1957. Rev. Whitehouse suffered a stroke.
June 2, 1957. The summer schedule began. S S began at 9 a m and Church began at 10 a m.
June 9, 1957 Junior Choir was recognized. Members received pins for perfect attendance, when they missed, the pins were returned and the record started over. Those graduating from the Junior Choir were Jo Ann Beams, Larry Kerr, Don Dickson, and Marty Briscoe. They were given the pins for a reminder of their service.
June 17, 1957. An All-Church Picnic was held in the new city park at the new shelter house.
September 1, 1957. Four new members: Mr. and Mrs. Woods, along with children, David and Diane. Mr and Mrs. Lindsay Childers, along with children, Linda and Carolyn Lee.
September, 1957. Perfect S S attendance for the young people were given.
October 13, 1957. The Junior Choir had grown to 23 members.
October 18, 1957. The budget for 1958 is $28,288.15
October 27, 1957. David Lawrence Stewart made a confession of faith and was baptized Nov. 3 at 3 p m
November 17, 1957. Patty Hicken, Fred Sillin, Mrs. Manley Turner and Mrs. Joe Turner were baptized.
December 22, 1957. Mrs. Laveta Baker and her sister, Mrs. Earl Bell were baptized.
Mid-Feb. 1958. The George Washington Dinner was held. They had 80 workers and grossed $635.58
April 6, 1958. Twenty two people became members at the Easter Service.
Sept. 21, 1958. Fifty six C Y F youth had a hayride.
Sept. 28, 1958. Attendance pins were given to the youth.
May 29, 1959, the congregation voted to go ahead with the planning for the Education Building. The estimated cost of the new addition was $112,471.00. The plan was to take pledges for 3 years of around $17,985.00 per year. After that was met to take a 10 year loan of $45,000 from the Board of Church Extension, Disciples of Christ.
Nov. 1959.Parsonage drive was graveled and repairs on the gutters.
December 1959. Repairs were done on the church. Two steel bars running the width of the building were fastened with angle irons on the exterior walls to keep the walls from spreading. A similar job was done on the forth-west abutment, and steel ropes and steel reinforcements were installed on the big door between the fellowship room and the sanctuary. In order to keep the organ warmer, insulation was installed at each widows of the northeast tower and the windows painted black.
January 1960. Member, Lee Francis had almost a total loss when his business burned.
Easter April 10, 1960. Twenty one new members.
Mid April 1960. Congratulations to our Methodists neighbors, who approved plans for a new building costing $105,000. exclusive of furnishings and architect’s fees.
April 19, 1960. Miss Aileen Tull, a member of the church for 71 years passed to glory. The name tull had been associated with the church from its beginning. Miss M. A. Tull, an aunt, was listed as a charter member. Dr. Littleton Tull, a brother, was an elder of the church for many years.
Sept. 11, 1960. Polly and Sinton Jones transfer in from First Christian of Independence, Mo.
Oct. 1, 1960. C W F held a rummage sale at the court house.
Oct. 1960. Verna Leech is the choir director for the newly formed 7 th thru 10 th grade choir.
Nov. 6, 1960. All three choirs sang for this regular service. Jr. Choir had 19 members, Youth Choir had 20 members.
Oct. 27, 1960. Halloween night the youth raised money for UNICEF.
Feb. 19, 1961. The congregation approved plans for the Education Bldg. 8,800 sq. feet, cost, estimated $110,000.– $12.50 per sq ft. The architectural firm was Northern, Palmer, and Hamlin. The Fellowship Hall could seat 256. The building fund stood at $50,469.92.
March 26, 1961. Eleven new members were welcomed.
May, 1961. Seventeen young people were recognized as graduating High School seniors.
June, 1961. Popular vote by the congregation was used to select Board Officials. Total of 108 votes were cast.
June 2, 1961. The Call took a summer break; it was to be published again in Sept.
June 25, 1961. Ground Breaking for the Education Building began. The new building was to be 8,800 square feet, with a large dining hall, kitchen, offices for the minister, church secretary, and for the Sunday School secretary; a crib room, eight classrooms, work room, storage and furnace room. The building was built with projections of 750 memberships for 1979.
Sept. 22, 1961, The walls of the Edu. Bldg. were going up. They were delayed for about a week because of rain and floods.
Sept. 17, 1961. The choir had new robes. The robes were rich red with gold collars.
October, 1961.The Board decided that the church would participate in The Program of Advance for the Decade of Decision.
Last week October 1961. Educational Bldg. Masonry block walls were completed on the first floor, along with the exterior brick walls. The steel work on the roof was also finished that week.
Nov. 5, 1961. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Lentz and DeAnn Adams became members.
Mid-Nov. 1961. Representatives from the Christian, Methodist, Baptists and Christian Science churches met to discuss the parking problem. One suggestion was to widen Main and Folger Streets.
Late Nov. 1961. The Board approved a remodeling project. A beam was sagging in the old basement was needed.
December 11, 1961. J. Kenneth Powell advises board of his resignation. Nine years of service to the First Christian.
Early January, 1962. A Pulpit Search Committee was established, consisting of: Ed Heins, Ralph Haynes, Dan Davis, Helen Whittekind, and Lois Catherine Boelsen.
Feb. 12, 1962. A farewell supper was given for Rev. and Mrs. Powell.
April 22, 1962. Four new members. Sheila Scott, Marjorie Audsley, Mr. & Mrs. Joe Flickinger.
Sept. 1962. Work was done on the parsonage. Back porch repaired and painted, living room & dining room were papered. Rug in the study was cleaned.
October 7, 1962. John D. buck started as full time minister.
March 13, 1963. Rev. Robert Muncy was the new Presbyterian Church minister.
April, 1963. A memorial of the late Will Turpin was given. The memorial was an old plate , in the center of the plate was an engraving of the church.
Sept. 20, 1963. The front porch in the parsonage was raised where it has rotted out on the southeast corner; the basement wall on the west was pointed up and a short sidewalk was poured at the southwest corner of the house; the big maple tree was trimmed where it was rubbing the roof; and all of the gutter was leveled.
Sept. 27, 1963 Pictures of the previous ministers were wanted but there was no response.
October 18, 1963. A new electric typewriter had been purchased.
December 7, 1963. The joist had rotted away on the north side of the sanctuary and braces were put under them. The same type of bracing had put under the south side a few years previous.
December 24, 1963. A Christmas coffee was given from 5 to 7 p m. Coffee and cookies were provided. It was planned as a get-together for everyone to just visit and bring the whole community together.
Mid January 1964.The baptistery was fixed that had leaked for many years. It was relined with plywood and the inside was coated with fiberglass and finished in light blue.
Feb. 7, 1964. A church family purchased and installed a new washer and dryer as a gift to the parsonage.
Feb. 9, 1964. Boy Scout Sunday pushed seating to its limits. The Fellowship Hall was about full with the overflow.
Feb. 14, 1964. Board recommended to change fiscal year from Nov.1 st to July 1 st. . Would be more convenient fot the local CWF and CMF as well as the entire Brotherhood program. Change would go into effect July 1965.
April 24, 1964.Young pianists provided music for meditation during the period between church school and morning worship.
May 8, 1964. Cabinets were rebuilt to include an ice box and stove in the upstairs kitchenette.
Chancel Flowers, Sept. 1964. “The Worship Department has expressed a sincere desire to have flowers in the Chancel for our morning worship every Sunday morning. We have entered into a memorial program whereby members may provide these flowers as an act of remembrance. If you wish to provide flowers in the memory of some dear departed one get in contact with Mrs. Owen Weaver. If you wish to provide the flowers on a specific date it is best to make arrangements well in advance.
Extending the ministry. Carillon Bells were installed Dec. 18, 1965. The bells were heard 4 times a day on weekdays consisting of two numbers each. They were played at 10 am, 12 noon, 3:30 pm, and 5:00pm. On Sundays they will be heard at 9:15 am, and 5:00 pm. For the first time the church has been able to extend its ministry of worship beyond the confines of the sanctuary so that it makes a witness to all people. The bells were installed as a demonstration by George Schulmerich, a long time friend of the pastor. It was hoped if there was sufficient interest they would be purchased.
January 29, 1965: the bells became permanent.
During the early portion of 1965 they were having pulpit exchange Sunday with other churches.
August 1965. A new roof was needed for the Sanctuary at a cost of $2,000.00
November 5, 1965. The new roof was finished. The total for the roof was $2,858.21
November 4, 1965. A Coca Cola machine was installed in the Fellowship Hall.
November 1965. All stained glass windows were repaired, recemented and cleaned.
Feb. 1967 it was discovered that the north and south walls of the sanctuary were spreading apart. After it had been determined that the walls were still giving safe support to the roof and beams, steel rods were installed to hold the walls in place.
June 1967. The parsonage at 213 North Folger was redecorated. A new roof was installed.
December 1967. First time for a Crismon Dedication.
There was a fire in Jan. of 1971 which destroyed the entire Sanctuary.
On Friday, Sept. 3 1971, the cornerstone from the old church building came out and revealed a wooden box which was placed behind it. There was a walnut box that was in good shape but the nails which held it had rusted so that it literally fell apart. The contents of the box included a document with a short history of the church and the names of all of the members as of November 1, 1892. Much of the writing was difficult to discern. The decision to rebuild was approved.
On November 18, 1971 a contract was signed with Irvinbuilt of Chillicothe. The total cost of the building was around $347,000.00. To arrive at the lowest price they had to delete some things that could be added later.
The cornerstone of the new church was laid July 30, 1972 at the 10:30 worship hour. A copper box 16 inches by 16 inches was sealed in masonry behind the cornerstone. The contents of the box were: a brief history of the church, minutes of the board meetings held in 1890 and1891 while the old sanctuary was being erected, itemized cost of the old building, a list of all ministers and dates of their service, a copy of the Christian Hymnal which survived the fire, a picture and history of the educational building, a copy of the church constitution, copies of the work books for 1972-73 and 1971-72 and other work books, picture postcards of the old building, photographs of the fire, copies of the sermons preached the first three Sundays after the fire, the latest edition of the Christian Call, a copy of the birthday cards which were sent to church members, letterhead from the rebuilding Finance Drive, pictorial directory, copy of the cornerstone ceremony, program book for the District V. Spring Assembly, program book for the 1972 State assembly, copy of the Republican Record for July 27, 1972 copy of the 1972 Fair Book, brochure of Carrollton prepared by the Chamber of Commerce, directory of Churches of Carrollton prepared by Welcome Wagon, a complete set of 1972 uncirculated coins.
The first service in the new building was held September 10, 1972. There were 154 in Sunday Schoo l and 294 in the worship that Sunday.
An unofficial dedication took place Sunday, September 24, 1972. The new baptistery was put to use on that Sunday when Raymond Ludwig and Donald Paul Keeler confessed their faith. On Monday and Tuesday of that week the church was open from 5 to 9 for those unable to attend Sunday. The air conditioning was not in operation yet so doors had to be kept open, which brought in many flies. Also, the public address system was not working properly so a lot of people could not hear distinctly.
The new Pipe Organ (at a cost of $22,000.) was put in operation October 1, 1972.
Brian Blankenship made his confession of faith on October 29 and was baptized on November 5, 1972.
The official Dedication Service took place Sunday, March 25 1973, at 2:30 p.m.
Feb. 28, 1974: over 200 books were lost in the fire of ’71. A new library was begun.
October, 1974: The Parsonage Committee, the Official Board, and the Congregation voted to buy the home of Ed Heins, at a price of $35,000.00, for the parsonage. The house is located at 201 North Monroe and was built in 1958. A secret ballot was taken with a 92 % yes to buy. The parsonage, 213 North Folger, was sold and the balance put on the new one. The North Folger parsonage was built around 1900. It had suffered some damage from termites. The design of the old one made it impractical to remodel or modernize. The church had always been open 24 hours a day. Over the previous few years pilfering had happened and some groups had been using it for rendezvous completely alien to what the church represents.
June 26, 1975 the doors are now locked.
Sept. 16, 1976: A “Pastoral Relations Committee” was formed. The new committee was formed as an advisory Board through which the minister can have 2-way conversations with the membership about issues that involve him and his relationships with the church. Members are to give ideas, suggestions, constructive criticisms, offers of help, and to keep ideas and feelings and suggestions where they can be dealt with openly and lovingly to the betterment of Christ’s Church. This will help avoid crisis situations arising, and it will provide maximal opportunity for an effective ministry within the church and its community. The committee has no authoritative capacity, and it functions primarily on a consultative basis.
January, 1981: Flags were positioned in the sanctuary. When the American flag is in a church sanctuary (on a platform or chancel) it is to be to the right of the speaker. When placed down on the same level as the congregation, the American flag is to go on the right of the congregation.
October 28, 1981: Sixteen wall sconces were put into use. They were made possible by numerous memorial gifts.
October 4, 1984: Mildred Taylor presented the church with a “collage” of metal mechanical parts which were once a part of the pipe organ that burned in the 1971 fire. The parts have been arranged to form a musical note. The “collage” may be viewed in the parlor room display case.
December 1984: A Church Bulletin Board was erected on the east side of the church. The memorial gift was from the Abiding Memorial fund for Betty Cowherd. May 1985: Two additional wall sconces were installed in the parlor. These were made possible from The Abiding Memorials for Bessie Miller and Phoebe Utley.
May 1985: A parking lot was added on the south side of the church. The lot has been graded and graveled.
August 1985: All back issues of The Call were bound and were available in the library.
Nov. 1985: Ten infants were in the nursery. Paid volunteer was sought.
Dec.1, 1985: The Bright Spot was started. It was a one minute recorded devotion which you could hear by calling 542-3328.
June 11, 1986: VBS. First Christian Director Pat Dickson reported 136 children attended with 48 workers.
Dec. 1986: One-third of the parking lot was paved with cement.
March 15, 1987: All-church meal and carnival was held. 115 were served at the meal and approx. 200 at the carnival.
April 13, 1987: Board approved roofing and insulation on steep roof. Project around $14,000. and was scheduled for May of ‘87 May 1987: Custom made steel doors were installed in the front of the church.
Aug. 18, 1987: Tile on main and basement floor. Little or no wax remained on them. Not doing anything would result in permanent damage to them. Professional care would result in $1,000.00. Buffer would be purchased thru abiding memorials of $1,250.00
Aug. 1987: Postcards were available of the sanctuary of Dec. ’87 for cost of $1.00
Oct. 1987: Brass door handles were donated for front doors.
Oct. 1987: Expenses exceeded income by 10%. Result: 11.5%budget cut overall, salary cut of 10%. The minister took the lead by suggesting that his salary be the first cut.
Oct. 1987: Pairs and Spares celebrated tenth anniversary.
Oct. 1987: Youths hayride and weiner roast at Ruth and Weldon Owen’s place. 25 youth and 9 adults. Nov. 1987: Pairs and Spares had weekend retreat at Rickman Center. 21 attended.
Nov. 29, 1987: Ruth Kottqitz, a former member, was ordained in Osawatomie, Kansas Christian Church.
Dec. 1987: Handicap parking was established in the driveway in front of the church January, 1988: After many years of the church operating on a fiscal year, July 1 to June 30, the board voted to go to a calendar year, Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. To accomplish that it was be necessary to begin an 18 month year July 1, then by Jan. 1, 1990, they would begin the first calendar year.
March 1988: Pictures were taken by United Church Directories.
March 1988: New sign board erected on Monroe Street entrance. Distinctive Signs of Louisville, Kentucky did the work.
Sept. 18, 1988: The church worshipped in the park. This was a rain-out and worship was held inside without organ or piano. Picnic was also held inside.
October, 1988: Homecoming was planned for Oct. 23. Former Minister and wife were scheduled to preach. Pork chop dinner was planned. Two hundred forty were served the meal. At least 26 families returned “home”, along with college students.
July 1989: South parking lot was finished. The last of the concrete was poured Sept. 24, 1989.
Worship in the park Jan. 1990: Mildred Taylor retired as organist after 35 years of service.
May 20, 1990: Youth Sunday, youth led the worship service.
May 1990: Part-time pianist was added to the music staff.
June 10, 1990: Church auction. Purpose: raise funds for the purchase of 4 air conditioners to cool sanctuary and repair flat roofs. Adult meal ticket was $5. Over 400 were served a meal. Profits were over $15,000.00
Feb. 10, 1991: Church carnival was held in the fellowship Hall, time; 4:00 to 7:00.
Feb. 1991: A south wall was added to the large Fellowship Room in the basement. Feb. 1991: 180 new hymnals purchased.
March 16, 1991: the scouts had their Pinewood Derby.
April 1991: Steinway Grand Piano was restored. Approximate value is $18,000. The piano originally came from the Hiram Wilcoxson family.
Aug. 7, 1991: The church purchased its first computer.40 MB hard drive.14 inch monitor.
Feb. 1992: Eleven collector religious plates were donated and will be permanently put in the parlor.
May 17, 1992: Leadership provided by the youth.
June 19, 1992: The Education Building re-roofing was completed at a cost of $23,007.98.
June, 1992: The tower bell from the previous church has been placed on the front lawn of the church, a fall dedication was planned.
September 1992: a metal roof was put in place on the flat roof around the sanctuary.
Oct. 12, 1992: Telephone committee was put in place. Purpose: call the shut-ins once a week to visit and keep in touch with the news of the church and etc.
Oct. 1992: Board voted to put new roof on parsonage. The work will be done by Gail Thurlo.
Jan. 1993: Rev. Barone: Will church be cancelled? Only in the case of the most terrible disaster. People can choose for themselves whether or not it is safe to attend church. If I can get across the street, we’ll have church, even if only two people show up.
Feb.23, 1993: Worship Dep’t. recommends an early service. 8:15-9 a. m.
March 25, 26,27, 1993: Church pictures were taken.
April 16, 1993: Early Bird service began. Service would last not over 45 minutes.
April 20, 1993; Bumper stickers arrived (Disciples of Christ).
April 27, 1993: Work began to re-roof the parsonage.
Aug. 22, 1993: The church has a party in the park. It was held to mark the beginning oa a new school year and the return to the regular Sunday School classes. It included swimming, fellowship and a meal.
Aug. 29, 1993: Early service was moved to 8:30 as this time would fit better with Sunday School. As usual the service would not last over 45 minutes.
Sept. 1993: The possibility of a handbell choir was started. A demonstration of bells was given Oct. 7. Cost: $4,050.
Dec. 26, 1993: Imboden Concert at the high school auditorium.
Jan. 1994: Property had a walk through and recommended that a new dropped ceiling in the parlor and hallways adjacent to the sanctuary. Approximate cost $3,500.
June 13, 1994: The Board approved an elevator. Missouri Stairway Lift, corp. will install the elevator at a cost of around $30,000.
Aug. 17, 1994: Board voted to have Larry Odom-Groh to review the constitution and by-laws. Purpose: board-cabinet structure and revising it. Constitutional revision started by Rev. Hankins.
Dec. 11, 1994: Open Membership Sunday. The minister and an Elder would be available after Church for those not wanting to walk down in front of the congregation. Four dates were scheduled for 1995.
Dec. 1994: Kristal Bells ordered. Four sets of eight bells.
Jan. 1995: Board will sell lot near Ward’s Body Shop to Bill Ward, given thru an estate.
Feb. 1995: Organ needed repair. Repair and adding 183 new pipes cost $5,000.
March 12, 1995: The first performance of the Kristal Bell choir.
May 1995: Board approved Church Art Class Inc. of Clinton, Kentucky to cover the stained glass windows with one-fourth inch Plexiglas. Total cost: just over $16,000.
Sept. 1995: Postcards were no longer sent to notify persons of duties due to the expense of the cards.
Oct. 1995: Pulpit in the Fellowship hall was repaired and refinished. The pulpit was from the old church. June 1996: Decorating Committee tallied votes, the “concrete room” in the basement will be known as “The Great Room”.
June, 1996: Chalice hymnals are the new hymnals that were being used for the 8:30 worship.
Aug. 18, 1996: Reception for Dan Davis. Fifty years as the music director of the church.
Oct., 1996: Work began to strip and wax all the floors in the church. Work done by Lloyd White.
Oct. 28,29,30, 1996: Pictures were taken for the pictorial directory.
March 1997: Membership. Margaret Kuhlman and Richard Cox transferred in. Kyle Cox, Rob Cox and Kellie Hinson were baptized.
April 1997: Membership. Louise Mulch transfers in.
May 1997: Membership. Gina Pointer, Evan Grimes and Cori Grimes.
July 27, 1997: Membership Orion Warren baptized.
Sept. 1997: A coordinator for children and youth was hired. They will work an eight hour week
Sept. 1997: Membership. Transferred in. Mike Ritchhart and Colleen Wilson.
Sept. 17, 1997: The Angel Choir was started for children pre-school though grade two.
Oct. 5, 1997: The first intergenerational worship occurred.
Oct. 10, 1997: The 10 th annual Junior High Homecoming Dance was co-sponsored by the United Methodist and FirstChristian Churches. Of the 180 students at Carrollton Junior High, 148 attended.
Dec. 14, 1997: Membership. Baptized were Megan Miller, Ben Mosier, Kelsie Smithpeter, Abby Placke, and Carrie Shatto. Jan Placke transferred in.Unknown date: An art sculpture was donated by the Faulk family in memory of Ross A. Faulk. The sculpture hangs in the foyer (See “Our History/Today’s Church/#1). The carving is of Jesus in the garden, carved in relief in Honduras Mahogany, is over 5 feet in length and weighs about 100 pounds. Alfred Coe, of Kansas City, Mo. was present with the family to help hang the work of art. Mr. Coe was a winner of 40 awards and was past president of the Greater Kansas City Art Association. Mr. Coe spent a month planning the sculpture and 130 hours in actual work.
April, 1998. Membership. Transferred in; Jolene Pointer.
April, 1998. Membership. Scott Stevens and Scott Bowman were baptized.
April 8, 1998: The CMF voted to re-shingle the house of 92-year-old woman in Bogard. They also contributed three hundred dollars toward the shingles. Church persons provided meals for the work crew. If understood correctly, the woman now goes to the Bogard Methodist Church.
July 15, 1998: Baptistery gates were installed.
July 29, 1998: A ramp, at the Monroe Street entrance, was installed.
Sept. 9, 1998: Second Sunday of the month, church would open at 7:30 p.m. so that people could gather in the parlor and be a part of a prayer circle. Joys and concerns were expressed and then prayer would follow.
Sept. 9, 1998: Sermons by e-mail.
Sept. 20, 1998: New chimes on the organ were dedicated.
Oct. 28, 1998: Children’s Worship was started. Open to children pre-school thru second grade. It was designed and run by the parents of the children.
Jan. 1999: Nursery was staffed for the 8:30 Worship Service.
Feb.17, 1999: Window wells on the south side of the church were covered for safety reasons.
March 1999: Board approved a proposal to repaint, re-carpet and make other improvements to the nursery. Also, to deal with the need for a nursery at every church event.
April, 1999: Kyle Sillin and Derek Mayden were baptized.
May, 1999: Membership, Laura Painter, Ronnie Painter baptized.
May, 1999: Board votes to pursue kitchen improvements. New dishwasher and sink unit, cost: $5,000.
May, 1999: Membership, three by transfer: Duane Casner, Dennis and Linda Flick.
May 13, 1999: Jim & Lalah Blevins celebrate 66 th wedding anniversary.
June 23, 1999: Worship materials for children was started. Clipboard, children’s bulletin, and crayons, and paper were provided.
Aug. 15, 1999. Three join church: Karl Marxhausen, and Judy and Richard Anderson.
Dec. 1999: That year the children’s program was a Living Nativity in front of the church from 6:30 to 7:00. They reenacted and sang songs.
Dec. 1999: Board voted to hire an adult nursery attendant.
Feb. 2000: After 50+ years Dan Davis retired as music director.
Feb. 2000: Membership, transfer in: Charlene Parton.
March 2000: Board voted to add Chalice Hymnal to the 10:30 service.Cost was $16.00 @.
March, 2000: The Memorial Bell in front of the church was vandalized. A large circular cast iron pulley guide was broken.
April, 2000: Tucker Pointer was baptized.
May, 2000: Board voted to replace lights in the fellowship hall with florescent textures at a cost of $958.
June, 2000: Membership:Betty and Shawn Szekely joined.
June, 2000: Membership: Pete and Sue harden transfer in.
July 13, 2000: Board approved proposal for a preschool. Would serve no more than 16 children ages 4-5. Board also approved work at the parsonage. Tear out patio and replace with patio that drains away form house.
July, 2000:Wes and Sue Jackson transferred from Olathe, Ks.
Aug., 2000: Rev. Jim Coffman retires from the Savannah Christian Church.
Aug. 13, 2000: Membership, Kathy and Larry Heddings transfer in.
Oct., 2000: Membership, Daniel Mc Kee transferred in.
Oct., 2000: Membership, Opal Greer transfers in.
Oct., 2000: Membership: Mary Collins, Pam Wagner transfer in.
Nov., 2000: Membership: Sherri VanDeventer transfers in.
Nov., 2000: Estimate of $4,500. to redo flashing around steeple using copper, as well as caulk & other repairs to stop leaks on metal roof.. Work will be done by Witham Roofing and Construction, the same co. that did roof repair on the Court House. New fluorescent lights were approved for the kitchen. The Windows at Carrollton First Christian The Old Testament Window, South side. The first is The Creation, next to it is Noah’s ark on top of Mt. Ararat.The ark also represents the church, because the church, like an ark, is not permanently anchored, but a mobile institution which moves into the world. God’s hand in the first symbol and the rainbow in the second, reminds us of God’s continuing covenant of love with all humankind. The centerpiece of the window is the tablets with the Ten Commandments-a vital link between god and human beings. The window goes from dark at the top to light at the bottom showing that the law grows out of darkness and moves into light. To the right of the tablets is a symbol which represents obedience, the sacrificial knife and the altar on which Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son. And at the far right is the Menorah, a symbol of the Jewish faith. Also, for us as Christians, the seven candles represent the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. The New Testament Window. On the left the manger supported by the Greek letters Chi (X) and Rho (P), the first two letters of the word Christ. The five-pointed star is a symbol of humanity. The second symbol shows the baptism of Jesus, the cross standing in the water with a dove representing the Holy Spirit. The grapes and wheat remind us of the parables of Jesus and represent his ministry-his body given and blood shed for us. And the final symbol is the cross and the crown, a common symbol of Christ the King. Other Symbols in the Snactuary. The emblem in the cross on the Communion table is I_H_S, the Greek letters iota-eta-sigma, the first three letters of the name Jesus. The Disciple Chalice on the hangings is explained below. The hangings are the colored cloths which hang from the lectern and pulpit. They represent the color of the season of the church year. The Windows in the Parlor. The center parlor window shows Jesus with the cross in the background. He is holding a single lost sheep. We hope each person viewing the window will feel that he or she is that single sheep loved by God through Jesus. The parlor window to the right of the good Shepherd is an early Christian symbol of Jesus. The fish reminds us of the Greek work “ichtus” which, for early Christians, formed an acrostic. The first letter of each work, when translated, says, “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.” When early Christians were compelled to meet in secret, they used the symbol of the fish to mark the secret meeting place. The tilted cup on the window to the left of the good Shepherds window is the symbol to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The cup reminds us that we celebrate the Lord’s Supper every Sunday, and the St. Andrew’s cross (which is form Scotland) reminds us that two of our founders, Thomas and Alexander Campbell were from Scotland. It also reminds of the Presbyterian heritage of these two men and the third man who founded this fellowship, Barton W. Stone. The tilted cup reminds us of Christ’s love poured out for us and of His call to us to pour our love out to God, one another and the world. The Sanctuary Itself. The Sanctuary itself is built to form the shape of a cross when seen from the air. It spire points to god and affirms that the sanctuary is a place from whence we worship god. The stained glass windows in the sanctuary represents revelation and covenant, and the shape of the sanctuary is roughly circular to remind us of the sunburst of God’s revelation making itself known to all humanity.
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“Waiting for the Harvest” Pastor Dan North